Our Website is the Enso Circle information center. Here you can learn about our community, our schedule and our Residency Program. You do not need to be enrolled to access the introductory information, but you will need to be accepted to access the password-protected curriculum.
Once you have applied and been accepted to the three-month Residency, you will have access to the password-protected sections on this Enso Circle website, including:
Our Slack space is where we meet to discuss, ask questions, upload photos and documents for evaluation and suggestions, and start new topics for the group. It's like a virtual seminar room, open 24/7.
Slack is as easy to use as FaceBook, but it has the advantage of being a more professional, private platform with more flexibility. We call it the Enso Slack Shack. Once you have obtained your free Slack account and logged in, you can send messages to the group, to Lyn and/or Michelle, or send a direct (private) message to anyone in the Enso Circle Community. Here's little video showing how Slack works as our Enso Circle communications spot. It's your 24/7 place to chat, leave a note, ask a question, or upload some artwork. VIEW THE APPLICATION FORM |