WEEK SEVEN: Connections, Conversations and Collaborations
PREVIEW: A lot of our work as artists is solitary, working alone in our studios. Regular creative conversations, whether virtual or in person gatherings is essential to making art. This week we focus on those relationships that grow our work and challenge us to be a better artist. The Enso Circle was founded on the principle that we are all better when we have a supportive group in our lives.
4:00 CST
MONDAY ZOOM: In preparation for Monday’s zoom, use your journal to name some of the influential friends and mentors who have influenced your life as an artist. Choose one or two as subjects for reflection on their importance in your life and/or work. If appropriate, follow up with a contact phone call, email or letter.
Be prepared to share your experience with this exercise or to talk about someone who was instrumental in your life as an artist. You will have about five minutes for your sharing and will follow up with some thoughts and discussion about collaboration as artists.
TO WATCH: We are skipping the TO READ materials this week to offer you a longer set of videos, Cooking Up a Collaboration. At the beginning of Covid, Lyn and Michelle decided to see if they could collaborate virtually. These videos, part fun and part instruction are the result of a chance meeting with apple pie. You are welcome to work through all of it, or just the parts that apply to you.
To Watch and Read:
First, enroll in the Teachable Studio:
Then, I created a secret Free version of the Cooking Up a Collaboration workshop just for the Enso Circle. If you take this link and scroll down to Enroll Now, you will get in for free.
EnSights: The Three C’s This week’s EnSights explores some practical ways to deepen your work using connections to your unconscious self, some guides to collaborating with other creatives and even singing to your painting as a way to find a unique way to solve problems in your work.
GUEST ARTIST ZOOM: We were honored to have Andre and Virginia Bally join us in an earlier Residency for a discussion on how they collaborate as artists and life partners. Their studio is located north of San Antonio near Canyon Lake where they collaborate on every project they create, whether in clay, glass, or mixed-media. Here is a link to that talk - please watch it.
Collaboration with Nature Through a series of interviews, Art Connect looks at some artistic practices working at the intersection of art and science, nature and technology.
Seven Artists Couples Who Collaborate to Create Amazing Works of Art Ever wonder what it would like to live with another artist? This article introduces us to artists couples who have embarked on a journey as collaborators in their art as well as life with interesting and challenging work.
PREVIEW: A lot of our work as artists is solitary, working alone in our studios. Regular creative conversations, whether virtual or in person gatherings is essential to making art. This week we focus on those relationships that grow our work and challenge us to be a better artist. The Enso Circle was founded on the principle that we are all better when we have a supportive group in our lives.
4:00 CST
MONDAY ZOOM: In preparation for Monday’s zoom, use your journal to name some of the influential friends and mentors who have influenced your life as an artist. Choose one or two as subjects for reflection on their importance in your life and/or work. If appropriate, follow up with a contact phone call, email or letter.
Be prepared to share your experience with this exercise or to talk about someone who was instrumental in your life as an artist. You will have about five minutes for your sharing and will follow up with some thoughts and discussion about collaboration as artists.
TO WATCH: We are skipping the TO READ materials this week to offer you a longer set of videos, Cooking Up a Collaboration. At the beginning of Covid, Lyn and Michelle decided to see if they could collaborate virtually. These videos, part fun and part instruction are the result of a chance meeting with apple pie. You are welcome to work through all of it, or just the parts that apply to you.
To Watch and Read:
First, enroll in the Teachable Studio:
Then, I created a secret Free version of the Cooking Up a Collaboration workshop just for the Enso Circle. If you take this link and scroll down to Enroll Now, you will get in for free.
- Post your Progress Report in the Slack channel PROGRESS-REPORTS-AND-GOALS. Friday Checksheet
EnSights: The Three C’s This week’s EnSights explores some practical ways to deepen your work using connections to your unconscious self, some guides to collaborating with other creatives and even singing to your painting as a way to find a unique way to solve problems in your work.
GUEST ARTIST ZOOM: We were honored to have Andre and Virginia Bally join us in an earlier Residency for a discussion on how they collaborate as artists and life partners. Their studio is located north of San Antonio near Canyon Lake where they collaborate on every project they create, whether in clay, glass, or mixed-media. Here is a link to that talk - please watch it.
Collaboration with Nature Through a series of interviews, Art Connect looks at some artistic practices working at the intersection of art and science, nature and technology.
Seven Artists Couples Who Collaborate to Create Amazing Works of Art Ever wonder what it would like to live with another artist? This article introduces us to artists couples who have embarked on a journey as collaborators in their art as well as life with interesting and challenging work.